What PC Do I Need?

Choosing the right PC and how much to spend. PCs can start at under £100 and go to £3000+ so how do you know where to start? It all depends on what you want to use it for. Any PC can be made to look nice in a case that can be plain and discrete or blinged up with lighting and glass panels, and all can have Windows 10/11, Wifi, Fast SSD and enough storage for whatever you need. To help, I’ve put together a guide, breaking PCs into a few price points and showing the performance you can expect at each one.

As each machine is custom built they can be tailored to your needs but this gives a quick guide to get you started.

£50 to £150 “Just a PC” You can get a perfectly good PC for basic everyday use for this price… as long as you don’t want to play any games beyond those on Facebook etc. Perfect for browsing the web, Facebook, Online Shopping, office work youtube etc. It will be a normal, plain-looking machine that’s got Windows 10, and Wifi and can have a free set of office and art programs installed so you don’t need to spend any more. It can use either a monitor ( From £20 ) or plug it into your TV.

£150 – £200 Budget or older gaming machines. These can do everything the low-end PC can and also be able to run simple games like Minecraft, and Sims and older PC games from a few years ago will also work on lower settings. Typically these are 3rd or 4th Generation machines with older graphic cards like Nvidia 660 upwards – an example of gaming on this level of machine https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/413900709201160

£250 – £350 General gaming PCs, more memory, bigger hard drives and SSDs and Graphics from GTX 1050 upwards – able to play GTA, Roblox, Wreckfest, simulator games etc. These are surprisingly capable and upgradable – typical performance can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/415210566021182 and https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/144503750465929 or

£350 – £650 Powerful GAming PCs, i7 or equivalent CPS, bigger SSDs and Hard Drives and graphics from GTX 970 up to GTX 1080, or even RTX cards. Capable of playing anything, running Flight simulators, multi-monitor gaming etc. https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/492354362277573 and
https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/288374676840382 and even

£650 upwards – The sky is the limit, these are either high-performance used machines or new machines and can run anything and be upgradable for years to come, with the latest graphic cards that range from £300 to £2000+

https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/353681702829864 to things like
https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCustomComputers/videos/584608726009854 and